Friday, 24 September 2010

Pictures of the City and a Yummy Treat

Hi everyone! I thought I'd throw some pictures up that I took today. I had to walk over to the English building to try to switch around one of my classes, and I saw this great example of typical Sheffield city planning.
This was taken from a window in the English building, which is a new, very modern-looking structure. Right beside it they have this beautiful historic red brick building that is falling into ruins. 

A better view. Hopefully you can see how entire walls and sections of this building have just fallen off. 

Here's a larger view towards city centre. The building from the above photos is on the left. I don't know what year it's from, but it seems to me that Sheffield would do better to conserve its beautiful architectural and historical integrity than build new modern monstrosities beside buildings as picturesque as this.  
Soundhouse for Music Students at Sheffield University by Carey Jones architects
An example of the architectural hideousness that goes on in Sheffield, right beside valuable historic structures. This is a music building.
Jessop West
This is the English building, from which the above photos were taken. So...yeah...  

And to wrap things up, here's a picture of some tasty goodies in the grocery store 
The ingredients include "reconstituted pig's blood." It's right there on the label. I tried to get a picture of that, but my camera wouldn't focus right, and I was starting to get annoyed looks.

Thanks for reading, everybody! 


  1. MMMMM Pigs blood, they ruined it by reconstituting it. I love the pics, keep them coming!!

  2. There are no words for the feeling that juxtaposition and that sausage creates, so I'm sending you a look of horrified, fearful disgust.

  3. That music building looks like some retro couch something.....i.e. ugly. Please tell me you haven't tried black pudding....but you will before you leave...right?
