Saturday, 27 November 2010

holt den schlitten raus! es hat geschneit! ("Get the sleds out! It snowed!") )

First of all, it snowed here today:

Not really enough to get excited about, but still, kind of fun. Also, last night I made my Thanksgiving dinner that I had planned for thursday but never got the chance to make. I had a presentation due on friday that I ended up staying up till 4am to finish, so I had exactly zero time to be concocting feasts. I still had the stuff for it though, so I figured better late than never. I made stuffing from a mix I found at the Eurospar and added some Yorkshire sausage. It turned out pretty well. Not nearly as good as home, but it worked, especially since I had no recipe and had only watched mom make it before. I also made mashed potatoes with peas and gravy. Instead of turkey I had a chicken breast roasted in the oven with onions. I didn't feel like bothering with recipes, so I just sort of guessed how to make stuff. But it all turned out well in the end! For dessert I had mince pie and apple cider. Here's how it looked: 

Clockwise from the peas: peas (soon to be added to mashed potatoes), mince pie, chicken 'n' gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes 'n' gravy

mmmm mulled cider

To make this I heated Strongbow's (cider of choice here), butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, and apples together in a saucepan
I was fuuullll after that, but that's kind of what happens on Thanksgiving. It was fun to make, too. Hope you're all having a nice day, or I guess sleeping soundly. 

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